Zonta clubs in Italy send a message of inclusivity and empowerment through art and fashion

Under the patronage of the Women Council of Milan, the Zonta Clubs of Milan Sant'Ambrogio and Torino and the Zonta e-Club of Italy, Italy, collaborated with the Elena Mirò fashion house to launch an inclusive message about women's uniqueness and their strategic role in society.


From 30 March to 18 April, Elena Mirò boutiques in Milan, Turin and Florence hosted a traveling art exhibition featuring the works of the Milanese artist and Zontian Stefania Scarnati. The exhibition, entitled"Armonie Femminili - Percorsi Inclusivi," also known as "Feminine Harmonies - Inclusive Paths" in English, sends out a message of inclusion through silhouettes of women who have become iconic in art history.


Within the project, Elena Mirò is committed to developing a training path in the company for two young women, demonstrating that fashion is not just frivolity but also offers opportunities for leadership and professionalism.