Zonta Club of Fredericksburg, TX empower female students through letters

The Zonta Club of Fredericksburg, TX, USA, partnered with the Girls Empowerment Network to help them with their Relatable Role Model campaign. The campaign is a program where people write inspiring and uplifting letters to adolescent girls to celebrate and encourage them.

After club members wrote their letters, the club decided to put this opportunity in the hands of teachers and staff in the elementary and middle schools in Fredericksburg Independent School District. The club intends to promote the campaign's values further and make the program's value shine with diversity and inclusivity because every girl deserves a little confidence booster.

The club asked for the staff's participation by writing a generic one-page letter for a female student to boost her self-esteem, especially during isolations caused by the pandemic. Pens, markers, stickers and all necessary supplies were provided by club members, along with a stand-up placard with directions placed in the teacher's lounges at the participating schools. After collecting all the letters, a club member picked them up to mail all of the betters in bulk to the Girls Empowerment Network.

The club was ecstatic to have more than 100 Relatable Role Model letters submitted to the Girls Empowerment Network in Austin, Texas.