Zonta Clubs of Oulu I and II Make a Comic Book About Sexual Harassment

The Zonta Clubs of Oulu I and II made a common project in cooperation with the community art center, the Culture Power Station, and the city of Oulu’s Safe Oulu Project. The Zontians made up five fictitious stories of harassment and the Culture Power Station made a comic book about it. 

Elina’s diary is a comic book, which tells a fictitious story about the school world. The story focused on how harassment feels and how to deal with it at school or at home. The comic book describes the effects of harassment. It contains instructions for both the harassed and the bystander. The goal was to prevent harassment, help with recovery and most of all encourage the victims to always speak up and tell adults around them.

The printed comic books have been sent to primary schools from 7th to 9th grade. The comic book is also published in the Safe Oulu web site, you can find it here, or the pdf can be found here