Your Support

Planned Giving
Zonta 1919 Legacy Circle

Give a gift that lasts more than a lifetime by becoming a member of the Zonta 1919 Legacy Circle.

The Zonta 1919 Legacy Circle was established for Zontians wishing to leave a legacy gift to ensure Zonta’s future.  The Circle reflects the essence and enduring impact of Zontians' collective efforts. It honors Zonta's rich history of support, which began with the earliest members in 1919, and focuses on the legacy members aim to build together for many years to come.

Through planned giving, donors are able to make a significant philanthropic commitment, and many donors find this option to be more comfortable than doing so during their lifetime. There are many types of planned and life-income gifts that can offer benefits to donors and their families, in addition to funding Zonta International's work. 

Zonta 1919 Legacy Circle Members

We strongly advise you to review our recommendations with your own legal and tax advisers. For further information, please call +1.630.928.1556.

Include a Bequest in your Will or Living Trust
Legacy Gift
Receive Income by Establishing a Charitable Remainder Trust
Establish a Charitable Lead Trust
Include a Bequest in your Will or Living Trust

The Zonta Foundation for Women deeply values the gifts we receive through bequests and urges you to notify us of your intentions so we can acknowledge your generosity during your lifetime. You may leave a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate to the Zonta Foundation for Women. 

Suggested testamentary language to review with your attorney: 

For a specific bequest: 

"I bequeath the sum of $______________, without interest, to the Zonta Foundation for Women headquartered in Oak Brook, IL, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, or any successor thereto, for its general purposes." 

For a remainder gift: 

"I bequeath all (or ________ %) of my residuary estate to the Zonta Foundation for Women headquartered in Oak Brook, IL, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, or any successor thereto, for its general purposes." 

Legacy Gift

You can leave a legacy gift to the Zonta Foundation for Women by naming the Foundation as a beneficiary of your Life Insurance Policy, Qualified Retirement Plan, or Individual Retirement Account. You can also arrange a tax-wise gift that will provide lifetime income for your loved ones and yourself, or that will pass assets to heirs at reduced tax.

Following are some options available to you: 

Make a Legacy Gift through a Beneficiary Designation 

Life Insurance: 
You can make a significant future gift to the Foundation by donating all or a portion of the proceeds of a life insurance policy that is no longer needed for family protection. If you are planning to name the Zonta Foundation for Women as the beneficiary of an entire policy, consider transferring the policy ownership to the Foundation. This transfer of ownership will enable you to receive an immediate income tax deduction for the current value of the policy, as well as income tax deductions for future premium payments. 

Retirement Plan Assets: 
Another simple way to make a future gift to the Foundation is to name the Foundation as beneficiary of all or a portion of a Qualified Retirement Plan or Individual Retirement Account (IRA). To name the Foundation as a beneficiary, fill out a "Change of Beneficiary" form provided by the plan administrator or IRA custodian. The gift can then pass to the Foundation without being subject to estate or income taxes. 

Receive Income by Establishing a Charitable Remainder Trust

Charitable Remainder Trusts are individually structured gift arrangements that can make payments to you and/or others for your lifetime(s) or a term of years. Upon the termination of the trust, the remainder of the trust principal becomes available to the Foundation. You can receive either fixed or variable income, or establish a trust that will initially minimize income payments and build principal, allowing for higher income payments at retirement. Charitable Remainder Trusts entitle you to an income tax deduction for the charitable component of your gift. Charitable Remainder Trusts can avoid capital gains tax if the trust sells appreciated assets. 

Establish a Charitable Lead Trust

You can transfer a portion of your estate to your children, grandchildren or other heirs with reduced gift or estate taxes through a Charitable Lead Trust, established now through your will or living trust. The trust would make the payments to the Foundation for your lifetime, or a term of years, after which the principal would be distributed to your heirs. A Charitable Lead Trust is a sophisticated estate-planning vehicle which can enable you to meet both your charitable and family goals. 

If you do include the Zonta Foundation for Women in your estate plans, please be sure to complete the Mary E. Jenkins 1919 Society form with the intent of your future gift. We look forward to welcoming you as a member of the Mary E. Jenkins 1919 Society. 

Note: The Zonta Foundation for Women cannot provide legal or financial advice. You are encouraged to meet with your legal representative or financial adviser before making a planned gift. 

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Are you ready to join the thousands of Zonta members and partners worldwide who are currently making sustainable differences to benefit women and girls? 

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