Zonta Ipswich hosts Mother’s Day event to support new mothers worldwide

Since its launch in 1999 by the Zonta Club of Adelaide Hills Inc, Australia, the Birthing Kits project has provided essential supplies to women in over 30 countries. With more than 3 million kits delivered globally, the initiative reflects Zonta’s mission to improve the lives of women and girls.

Zonta Ipswich, Australia, has contributed to this effort since 2009, partnering with St. Mary’s College Ipswich and Ipswich Girls Grammar School. Together, they have assembled thousands of kits, thanks to the dedication of students, staff and the broader community.

This Mother’s Day weekend marked a new chapter as the club invited local community members to join their kit-packing efforts. Generous donations from community members, families and local political representatives supported the event. Alongside club members, participants included other local service clubs and the Queensland Minister for Child Safety, Communities and Multicultural Services. The group packed 600 kits in record time, setting a goal to exceed 1,000 kits next year.

Each AU$5 kit from the Birthing Kits Foundation Australia provides critical supplies to women in remote areas with limited medical services. The kits include essentials like gloves, clean ligatures and gauze, which can help save lives during childbirth. Mothers can lie on a clean sheet rather than the bare earth, reducing newborn sepsis and post-birth infections.

This event has sparked excitement for future community involvement and will be a regular part of the club’s service activities.