Zonta Club of Tamworth Inc packs life-saving birthing kits and supports women in need

The Zonta Club of Tamworth Inc, Australia is making a significant impact on maternal health in developing countries by assembling and distributing life-saving birthing kits. Each kit includes essential items like a sterile plastic sheet, gloves, soap, and a surgical blade, all designed to ensure a safer and more hygienic birthing process for women with limited access to medical care.

Club members recently gathered to assemble the kits, which are distributed to women in remote and underserved regions where maternal mortality rates are high. The club packs about 1000 kits every year, thanks to club fundraising. The initiative highlights the club’s commitment to improving the health and safety of women and newborns worldwide.

Club president Kathy Forster emphasized the importance of these kits, noting that they can mean the difference between life and death for many mothers and babies. For over 20 years, the club has been packing birthing kits, alongside other initiatives such as: making and donating breast care cushions, managing a crisis room, and coordinating hygiene kits for homeless women. The club's efforts are a powerful example of how small, community-based actions can have a profound global impact.