Zonta Club of Colombo III  hosts skills development workshop

According to a census published in October 2021, approximately 10,632 children are placed in 379 Child Care Institutions (CCI) across Sri Lanka for various reasons. Of those children, about 62% are females, and less than 4% will receive higher education or learn vocational skills. This means that the remaining 96% of those girls will face the world naively, with no experience with life outside of CCI.


Realizing that their present childcare system does not support these girls to be independent upon their release to society, the Zonta Club of Colombo III teamed up with the Women and Children's Bureau, the Sri Lanka Police and the Generation never Give up (GnG) network to provide a safe and secure transition through a comprehensive skill development workshop program. By empowering the girls to face the world armed with confidence attributed to necessary skills, education and knowledge, they can take charge of their lives and reclaim their rights.


The club carried out the workshop with the help of experts to provide the girls who are leaving CCI skills in various topics such as:

  • Productive job-hunting skills.
  • CV writing.
  • Facing job interviews.
  • Personal grooming, hygiene and nutrition.
  • Personality development.
  • How to manage personal finances.
  • Etiquette.
  • Awareness of gender-based violence and where to find help.

After completing the workshop, participants will be awarded a certification of participation. Through this program, the club inspired many young girls to become proficient in a relevant field and seek employment based on skills rather than labor.


The club will continue to suppose these girls whenever they are needed.