Zonta Club Bologna Due Torri recognizes Simona Lembi on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

On 30 July, a delegation from the Zonta Club Bologna Due Torri, Italy, led by Chairwoman Isabella Boselli and Sister Laura Castrico, head of the Paoline Bologna Bookshop, visited Palazzo Malvezzi De' Medici, now the seat of the Metropolitan City of Bologna, to present Simona Lembi with the Liber Paradisus Women's Rights Award on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. 

The award was given in recognition of Lembi's vision and dedication to promoting gender equality and supporting women victims of violence. Her significant contributions include her role as Head of the Plan for Equality of the Metropolitan City of Bologna 2021-2026, a pioneering project that implements actions to create effective governance models and good practices on gender issues. Her leadership has encouraged widespread participation and cooperation among municipalities, associations, and stakeholders in the Bologna area, fostering a more equal, free and inclusive society. In the concrete actions that Simona Lembi carries out for the community, the Zontian Creed of empowerment "Build a Better World for Women and Girls" is recognized.

In her acceptance speech, Simona expressed her gratitude, stating, “Seeing an award recognized for the work carried out on combating violence is something that I share with the staff of the Plan for Equality and with the Metropolitan City of Bologna which for years has been dealing with anti-violence centers and with the municipalities, through of a protocol, currently being renewed. I thank Zonta, the longest-running international women's association ever, for the award, for the recognition, for the work of all time."