My Zonta

Biennial Goals

Biennial Goals | PDF

The challenges facing women and girls globally are vast and complex, reflecting deeply ingrained societal norms, systemic inequalities and discriminatory practices. In the face of these challenges, Zontians stand ready to take action. 

Together, we have the power to rewrite the narrative and realize a world in which women’s rights are human rights and the promise of a sustainable, equitable future is realized for generations to come.

These Zonta International biennial goals for 2024-2026 are aligned with Zonta International’s mission, vision and strategic plan and outline the focus for the 2024-2026 Biennium. In order to emphasize the organization’s need to operate in accordance with the strategic plan published in 2023, these biennial goals are categorized under the four major goals identified in the strategic plan:

1. Credible and Visible Voice
2. Club Success
3. Leadership and Sustainability
4. Engagement of Audiences and Allies

1: Credible and Visible Voice

Zonta acts as a credible and visible voice on gender equity, driving change for gender equality. By focusing on increasing Zonta International's creditability and visibility we move closer to achieving Zonta's mission. While many actions need to be taken, during the 2024-2026 Biennium we will focus on the following actions:
Violence Against Women
Climate Justice
Women in Decision-Making
Education Equality

This does not mean that all clubs should have activities around all four focus areas, but the most appropriate and necessary area(s) can be chosen based on local needs. 

  •  A training program on women’s rights and how to be a gender equity advocate will be developed and launched.  A new working group will also be established to support planning and following up the Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women campaign as Zonta’s proprietary advocacy campaign. The working group will also follow the advocacy work around the globe for ending gender-based violence as a serious human rights violation.  
  •  In the area of advocacy, emphasis is put to bring the human rights of women and girls forward in order to achieve gender equality. Therefore, caucuses, unions or similar types of alliances are built on national level, within or across districts where such groups do not already exist, to enable Zontians to be more effective as gender equity advocates. The work of caucuses, unions and other similar alliances will be brought more closely under the umbrella of Zonta International advocacy and communications to demonstrate the true scope of Zonta advocacy globally.

  •  A new working group will be established to support planning and following up the Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women campaign as Zonta’s proprietary advocacy campaign. The working group will also follow the advocacy work around the globe for ending gender-based violence as a serious human rights violation. Zonta Says NO summits will be organized twice a biennium.

  •  A quarterly Zonta virtual advocacy series is launched with high-quality speakers on compelling topics. 

  • International service projects have a clear focus, aim to address the root causes hindering gender equality with long-term implications and have a clear link to advocacy actions to bring about sustainable, systemic change. The signature international service project “Ending Child Marriage” in partnership with UNICEF USA and UNFPA will be elevated with a special virtual annual event which will enable Zontians to follow the progress of the project and keep members regularly informed also on the advocacy work done in the field of ending child marriage. 

  •  Zonta’s educational programs are appealing, meaningful and beneficial for recipients while differentiating Zonta from other organizations and increasing Zonta’s visibility and credibility. 

  •  Zonta stays relevant, focused, and is seen and heard as an influential force for gender equity globally. This is supported with globally aligned and shared moments for activism on an annual basis as follows: 
    8 March
    International's Women's Day | Zonta Rose Day
    22 April
    Earth Day
    11 October
    International Day of the Girl Child
    25 November-10 December
    Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women

This does not mean that all clubs should have activities on all four focus dates, but similarly to the most appropriate and necessary focus area(s) for service and advocacy, the dates for activities and communications can be chosen based on local needs. However, 100% of clubs and Zontians will participate during the 16 Days of Activism, 25 November through 10 December, to elevate awareness locally, and in social media and/or take part in actions for legislative changes to improve safety and protections for women and girls.

  •  Remarkable Women, Powerful Stories is rebranded and distributed as a podcast on a global podcast platform with high-level guests focusing on violence against women, climate justice, women in decision-making and education equality to gain more visibility outside of the Zonta world.
  •  A quarterly stakeholder newsletter is implemented to highlight Zonta International’s philanthropic and programmatic work, communicate progress and results to donors and other stakeholders and encourage more individuals and organizations to support Zonta’s life-changing work.

2: Club Success

By focusing on club success we maintain a strong membership base to support the work we do to build a better world for women and girls. The following actions will be taken:

  • To nurture the Zonta spirit, the Zonta International Board will, together with the members, prepare the core values of Zonta and a Membership Code of Conduct to foster a culture of mutual understanding and respect as well as support healthy and thriving Zonta clubs. 

  • A new membership strategy will be prepared for club members, young professionals, supporting members, international honorary members and past international presidents. Opportunities for new membership categories such as e.g., corporate membership and student membership will be explored. A report will be presented latest at the 2026 Convention in Vancouver.

  • A feasibility study will be conducted, in partnership with the Zonta Foundation for Women, on the merits and viability of establishing a Zonta Community Give Back Grant program to recognize and support meaningful local club projects addressing gender equity, education equality, climate justice, women in decision-making positions and/or violence against women. The report will be presented latest at the 2026 Convention in Vancouver.

  • Possibilities for a new annual Share Your Story Festival will be explored to bring members together virtually in 2025 and in person at the 2026 Convention in Vancouver. 

  • Chartering of new clubs is important and this critical work will be continued in each district by having club creators in place and providing additional resources to support their efforts. 
  • Zonta is actively looking to build a better world for women and girls in the countries where Zonta does not yet have a footprint, not only through the international service projects, but by approving new Zonta countries and chartering clubs in these new countries. 
  • In recruitment of new Zontians, a greater emphasis will be placed on diversity and inclusion and building a welcoming environment for people from various genders, age groups, ethnicities and all other backgrounds. 
  • Clubs serve as a welcoming and inspiring environment for Zontians working towards Zonta’s mission and fostering the Zonta spirit. With the tools made available by Zonta International, the clubs critically analyze, what improvements can be made within each club to align with Zonta international’s strategic plan while being a motivational environment for the club members and fit for the future.
  • A twinning program for clubs wanting to increase their fellowship and global Zonta spirit with clubs in other countries is launched.

3: Leadership and Sustainability

Zonta manages its resources, including both time and money, to meet Zonta’s vision and ensure Zonta’s longterm viability and success. Governance, leadership and internal structures are addressed to enable the effective achievement for Zonta’s mission. Sustainability is crucial for any actions in building an equal, responsible, green and clean future where the human rights of women and girls are recognized and implemented. The following actions will be taken:

  • The strategic plan is constantly monitored by the Zonta International Board to ensure that it remains relevant and is appropriately implemented – it is never final but a living plan, the implementation of which needs to be supervised and changes made, if needed.

  • The 10-year financial forecast is updated regularly to focus on long-term financial planning.

  • Donation trends and investment strategies are monitored on an ongoing basis. Clubs and supporting members support the fundraising goals of Zonta Foundation for Women to fulfil commitments to the international service projects and educational programs. The Zonta 1919 Legacy Giving Circle is promoted by the foundation ambassadors teams and an increase of 25 members is achieved annually.

  • A working group is established to analyze how the Zonta International governance structure (including district and club governance) could be streamlined and modernized. The analysis shall, among other issues, include the roles, sizes and compositions of districts, possibilities to simplify club governance, exploring the role of convention and methods to simplify the organizational voting process as well as possible amendments to the governing documents. The report will be presented latest at the 2026 Convention in Vancouver.

  • An analysis of the status of sustainability and environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues within Zonta International is undertaken and internal policies drafted, when necessary.
  • Last but not least, a smooth leadership transition safeguarding continuity occurs between biennia of 2022-2024 and 2024-2026 as well as 2024-2026 and 2026-2028.

4: Engagement of Audiences and Allies

In order to further Zonta’s mission and extend voice, Zonta develops collaborations with like-minded organizations. The following actions will be taken:

  • Increased communication, both internally and externally, focuses on Zonta’s work with the United Nations and its agencies as well as with the African Union, Council of Europe, and various Zonta caucuses and other country-based advocacy groups.

  • Zonta looks for advocacy partnerships with an aim to have at least one global partnership in place by the end of 2025 and at least two other partnerships for joint statements. Further, partnership opportunities are explored by the summer 2025 for Zonta’s educational programs which could be e.g., mentoring or internships.

  • The Commission on the Status of Women is an annual opportunity to meet, enjoy fellowship, build bridges to other like-minded organizations, experience Zonta spirit and become a more knowledgeable and engaged advocate for gender equality. Zonta International hosts annually at least one side event within the Commission on the Status of Women with the emphasis on Zonta’s strategic focus areas. Zonta International’s delegation to the Commission on the Status of Women increases annually by 5% over the previous year.
  • A feasibility study will be conducted on identifying and assessing options for alternative funding and revenue sources such as e.g., corporate sponsorships or offering formal certificate courses or study groups on gender equity to university students, HR professionals, sustainability and ESG professionals, compliance professionals or other interested individuals. The report will be presented to the membership latest in the summer 2025.
  • Besides the feasibility study referred to above, in order to stay financially sustainable Zonta International seeks sponsorships for itself with a target of at least US$50,000 of additional biennial revenue. Possibilities to engage long-standing corporate donors via corporate grants to significantly increase donations for Zonta Foundation for Women will also be explored.