Zonta Club of Kathmandu honors unsung heroes on Rose Day

In celebration of Rose Day, the Zonta Club of Kathmandu, Nepal, presented awards to women from diverse backgrounds and professions, truly reflecting the spirit of inclusivity and representation.

The list of the 2024 awardees was:

  • Bandana Rana received the club's Princess Helen Shah Inspiration Woman of the Year Award.
  • Sunita Dangol accepted the club's Amar Rana Game Changer Award.
  • Sarisma Basnet and Prerana Sapkota received the club's Jyoti Scholarship Award. They have also both been selected for other Zonta awards at the club level.
  • Khusi Shrestha and Deepti Gautam received the club's Indrakala Scholarship Award. They have also both been selected for other Zonta awards at the club level.

The club also presented awards to unsung women heroes working in a field considered a non-traditional vocation for women. The following winners were:

  • Maiya Shrestha is a photographer.
  • Sunita Koirala is a bike mechanic.
  • Yashodhara Thapa is a pilot instructor.
  • Rajani Shrestha is a bodybuilder.
In addition, the club also recognized the support provided by lawyers who offer legal services to victims of violence through the club's program with the Lalitpur Metropolitan Police.

The tribute event was covered massively in the local media, both online and in print, reaching thousands of people, including lawmakers, decision-makers, youth and community members. This will multiply the advocacy that the club intends to do for the inclusion of women and girls in all sectors.

"Investing in women is investing in a better world," said Club President Ava Shah. "This year, we are proud to honor 10 exceptional women who have made an indelible mark in their respective fields and who continue to inspire young girls and women to pursue their dreams."